Three Crosses Church
Get to Know Us
Our purpose as a church is to glorify God and to enjoy Him together. We are very ordinary people who are glorifying an extraordinary God! All aspects of our services and community life are designed to honor God, marvel at His beauty, and praise His magnificence. We want to shine for Him through our lives in the Greater Spokane area.
At Three Crosses weekly preaching is directly from the Bible, which we acknowledge as the authority for our lives. You won’t find the latest jokes, pop psychology, political positions, or church fads at Three Crosses, but you will find God’s truth and people who strive every day to live out the faith we have. We read the Bible, we sing the Bible, we encourage each other with the Bible and its truth. God’s Word gives us hope, healing, rescue, new life, and is a fountain of wise instruction and guidance for our lives.
Family is important to us. We are a local extension of God's family and we enjoy one another as such. We eat together, sing together, praise and pray to God together, and we have activities throughout the month outside of our regular Sunday Service. In prayer, in service, and in Bible Study we meet in various places and homes in times of celebration and in times of need. The focus in all things and events is Christ.
Although we range from newborn to very gray-haired, we care for each other and love each other in deliberate ways for the glory of God. We include people in every age group, bonded together for God’s glory. We normally keep families together during the service so we can learn together. If your baby makes noise or your wheelchair clatters, we don’t mind. We’ve built a ramp for strollers and wheelchairs: we make room for all of our brothers and sisters in the Lord.
At least once a month we eat a meal together. We invite relatives and neighbors to special events too. You will never be lost in a crowd here! Food flows from our kitchens and love from our hearts.
We also flow over with gratitude for the forgiveness and new life we have through Christ. This gives us a heart for our neighborhood, our city, and country. We enthusiastically support world missions and missionaries (with our money, our efforts, and our prayers) as well as local families and the body of Christ. We joyfully partner with like-minded churches in the Evangelical Free Church of America.
Almost every Sunday you will see a hug, a tear, or a word of encouragement. We stretch out our hands to each other in practical ways. We seek the fullness of joy in Christ and live by His power, never forgetting we are forgiven and made whole through His sacrifice for us.